Wow, almost at the 1 month mark! I am typing this blog before heading off to meet up with another group of lady friends that I met through Vino100 (a local wine bar/restaurant)...1 is the owner, and the other two are regulars. We've formed a club called "the D.U.B. Club" based off of a martini glass that Mechelle discovered on-line (which is what I'm proudly holding in my hand). Our first unofficial meeting began back in August when we casually got together to celebrate Diana's birthday. What we all innocently thought would just be a lazy lunch on Mechelle's patio ended up becoming an adult woman's sleepover. We joke about the fact that our foursome is the Northwest Ohio version of "The View" (with me obviously playing the role of Lisa Ling - representing the young, minority perspective).
This will be my third day of imbibing liberal amounts of alcohol...as a result, my waistline is starting to protest. Well, actually, my waistline is just fine with it, it's the waists of my jeans that are protesting. So, I'm resorting today to my "fat jeans." Perhaps the fact that my weight fluctuates from month to month is part of the reason I have so many clothes. I have skinny pants and tops, dresses for when I'm in-between, and those jeans that I pull out with a sigh when all my other pants have inexplicably "shrunk." Funny how a week of being vegetarian did not equate to slimming down like the authors of Skinny Bitch had purported. I can't blame them, though, because I was likely filling in the missed calories from dairy and meat with wine and vegan-friendly chocolate. One habit I adopted this past week that I hope to continue doing is avoiding coffee. Now that I've discovered a way to make soy chai lattes at home, I'm hooked, and don't miss the coffee at all (hmm...perhaps these soy chai's are also the reason that Skinny Bitch back-fired on me). I'm also going to try this flexitarian thing, where I avoid "land" meat if at all possible, and instead opt for a vegetarian or seafood option...which reminds me, I need to make some salmon finger sandwiches before heading off to drink up with the "bitches" (which, as I'm sure you've guessed, are not bitches at all). Toodaloo!
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