So, it's back to corporate attire for me this morning (a complete 180 from my "crunchy" gear yesterday). I'm happy to say that filing away clothes that I have already worn is very rewarding and is demonstrating to me that I can almost go a month of not wearing the same thing (except for PJ's and such) and still barely make a dent in my closet. I am similarly trying to go through each pair of my jeans at least once before re-wearing them by putting each worn pair at the bottom of the pile. I think I can at least go a month without wearing the same pair.
One funny story I forgot to share on my blog about Friday's "flight attendant" outfit was the fact that I decided to wear thigh high stockings instead of pantyhose (male readers: ask any woman and she'll tell you how much she hates wearing pantyhose). Anyway, these stockings had a ring of latex toward the top so as to better grip to the skin and prevent the sock from sliding down your leg. Well, wouldn't you know that at exactly the moment it was time to get lunch with the client, which involved descending a couple flights of stairs, the grippy latex on my right leg decided to give out and began slipping down. So, imagine me looking a bit like the hunchback of Notre Dame trying to discretely hold the top of my stocking in place on my leg with my right hand, balancing the lunch tray with my left hand, and also trying to keep up with the client and engage her in conversation as we walk back up to the meeting room. I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw those damn things away! And with that lovely image, I leave you for the day! Until tomorrow!
That is the worst part about thigh high stockings!! Sarah D.