Yesterday was quite an action packed day! I was persuaded to attend a 6A yoga class by Jen the night before and therefore began my day with one of the most intense yoga classes I've ever taken. I'm actually sore this morning from the vinyasa flow poses and attempts at doing some crow or crane pose that requires me to carry all of my body weight on my, not happening! After yoga, I then quickly headed home, changed into my Woman in Black secret agent outfit (pictured above), and headed to Columbus for an all day client meeting. The roads were sucky enough to result in a bit white-knuckling...especially on the way home. Given my 2.5 hours of tensed up snow-induced stress, I was more than happy to accept Mike's invitation to go to a wine tasting at a nearby Liquor store. Our original plans were to meet up with Sarah and Dave to celebrate Dave's newly accepted faculty position, but given that it would require each couple to travel a good distance on slushy freeways (and mind you, that a get together amongst the 4 of us would definitely involve a sustantial consumption of alchohol), we decided to re-schedule.
I'm reading the book Julie & Julia right now (a whimsical gift from Scott during a drunken buy-a-book-for-someone challenge that Mike and Maggie came up with one night when we were out together). Though I can admit that the chic-lit-ness of my writing has been somewhat inspired by my summer read of Sleeping Naked is Green (a journal of a Canadian writer who decides to take on 1 green challenge every day for one year) and Bridget Jones' Diary, I can't really say that I was influenced by Julie & Julia...until now. She's such an amazing writer and has such a way with words! If only I could one day aspire to write a book with such eloquence and witticism!
Today marks the last day of my vegan-tarian weeklong challenge - a challenge that I tried to take as seriously as possible, but that I did have to cheat on a bit while at an Italian restaurant the other night...there really aren't that many options that don't involve dairy or seafood - so I I caved and co-ordered crab risotto cakes with the girls and partook of half of was YUMMY! I did try to be good when ordering my main entree and resorted to the spaghetti marinara - probably the most boring thing you can order at an Italian restaurant. When mentioning my menu choice to my dinner partners, Jen remarked that I sounded apologetic. I guess if I do decide to take vegetariansim seriously (I have ruled out becoming a vegan, it's just too hard!), I'll have to "grow a pair" and order with conviction! I did adhere to my challenge yesterday, though, when buying lunch yesterday at my client site. The best option for me was a Schmucker's Crustables PB&J that must have had at least 60 different ingredients (75% of which were likely preservatives). How is that any healthier than a turkey sandwich? Hmmm...not sure about the Skinny Bitch thing anymore!
Jen taught our yoga class 2 Saturdays ago and it rocked, time flew right by and boy did we do some cool (read: difficult) poses. Loved it.