Sunday, February 28, 2010
Week 4, Day 1 - Drink Up Bitches!

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Week 3, Day 7 - Mall hath no power over me!
Week 3, Day 7 Outfit: White BR sweater, blue J Crew skinny corduroys, brown Liz Claiborne slouchy suede boots.
Week 3, Day 6 - W.I.B. (Woman in Black)
Yesterday was quite an action packed day! I was persuaded to attend a 6A yoga class by Jen the night before and therefore began my day with one of the most intense yoga classes I've ever taken. I'm actually sore this morning from the vinyasa flow poses and attempts at doing some crow or crane pose that requires me to carry all of my body weight on my forearms...um, not happening! After yoga, I then quickly headed home, changed into my Woman in Black secret agent outfit (pictured above), and headed to Columbus for an all day client meeting. The roads were sucky enough to result in a bit white-knuckling...especially on the way home. Given my 2.5 hours of tensed up snow-induced stress, I was more than happy to accept Mike's invitation to go to a wine tasting at a nearby Liquor store. Our original plans were to meet up with Sarah and Dave to celebrate Dave's newly accepted faculty position, but given that it would require each couple to travel a good distance on slushy freeways (and mind you, that a get together amongst the 4 of us would definitely involve a sustantial consumption of alchohol), we decided to re-schedule.
I'm reading the book Julie & Julia right now (a whimsical gift from Scott during a drunken buy-a-book-for-someone challenge that Mike and Maggie came up with one night when we were out together). Though I can admit that the chic-lit-ness of my writing has been somewhat inspired by my summer read of Sleeping Naked is Green (a journal of a Canadian writer who decides to take on 1 green challenge every day for one year) and Bridget Jones' Diary, I can't really say that I was influenced by Julie & Julia...until now. She's such an amazing writer and has such a way with words! If only I could one day aspire to write a book with such eloquence and witticism!
Today marks the last day of my vegan-tarian weeklong challenge - a challenge that I tried to take as seriously as possible, but that I did have to cheat on a bit while at an Italian restaurant the other night...there really aren't that many options that don't involve dairy or seafood - so I I caved and co-ordered crab risotto cakes with the girls and partook of half of one...it was YUMMY! I did try to be good when ordering my main entree and resorted to the spaghetti marinara - probably the most boring thing you can order at an Italian restaurant. When mentioning my menu choice to my dinner partners, Jen remarked that I sounded apologetic. I guess if I do decide to take vegetariansim seriously (I have ruled out becoming a vegan, it's just too hard!), I'll have to "grow a pair" and order with conviction! I did adhere to my challenge yesterday, though, when buying lunch yesterday at my client site. The best option for me was a Schmucker's Crustables PB&J that must have had at least 60 different ingredients (75% of which were likely preservatives). How is that any healthier than a turkey sandwich? Hmmm...not sure about the Skinny Bitch thing anymore!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Week 3, Day 5 - Getting Ready

Because I have back to back meetings today, after my morning run (outside in 24 degree weather, talk about a wake-up call!), I decided to "get ready" for my dinner out with Maggie and Jen rather than waiting and scrambling to do this after my 4pm meeting. As I was running my fingers through the still insane amount of clothes in my closet, I came across the hoodie (pictured above) that was my last purchase since this challenge began. I decided to show both the front and back of this zip up as the buttons on it were what drew me to it and sparked the "I have to have it" thought that led to another swipe of the credit card. I bought this at a really cute boutique in Ann Arbor that offers different items at really reasonable prices. I told the store owner that I'd definitely be back...I hope she stays in business until next February!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Week 3, Day 4 - The Belt That Started It All
Week 3, Day 4 Outfit: BR green knit dress, Loft camel belt, brown knee-high 9 West boots.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Week 3, Day 3 - Corporate-ness
So, it's back to corporate attire for me this morning (a complete 180 from my "crunchy" gear yesterday). I'm happy to say that filing away clothes that I have already worn is very rewarding and is demonstrating to me that I can almost go a month of not wearing the same thing (except for PJ's and such) and still barely make a dent in my closet. I am similarly trying to go through each pair of my jeans at least once before re-wearing them by putting each worn pair at the bottom of the pile. I think I can at least go a month without wearing the same pair.
One funny story I forgot to share on my blog about Friday's "flight attendant" outfit was the fact that I decided to wear thigh high stockings instead of pantyhose (male readers: ask any woman and she'll tell you how much she hates wearing pantyhose). Anyway, these stockings had a ring of latex toward the top so as to better grip to the skin and prevent the sock from sliding down your leg. Well, wouldn't you know that at exactly the moment it was time to get lunch with the client, which involved descending a couple flights of stairs, the grippy latex on my right leg decided to give out and began slipping down. So, imagine me looking a bit like the hunchback of Notre Dame trying to discretely hold the top of my stocking in place on my leg with my right hand, balancing the lunch tray with my left hand, and also trying to keep up with the client and engage her in conversation as we walk back up to the meeting room. I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw those damn things away! And with that lovely image, I leave you for the day! Until tomorrow!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Week 3, Day 2 - Crunchiness
Though I'm sure I'll end this week with some changes to my on-going eating habits, I do not intend to become fully vegetarian or vegan - but may toy with the concept of "flexitarianism." Which, I believe, this is a term created for those whose SuperEgos say "do what's right for the environment and for your body" but whose Ids are clearly wearing the pants in the mind of the individual. BTW, Maggie and Jen, if you're reading this, I will not subject you to my temporary lifestyle when we get together for dinner this Thursday...we'll see how well I can stay within the walls of being a vegetarian/vegan wherever we end up.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Week 3, Day 1, Part 2 - You can now comment!
Just a quick post to let you know that I've now enabled open commenting on my blogs. I didn't realize it until doing a little more research that this is something I can control. Let the comments begin!
Week 3, Day 1 - Driving Clothes

Week 3, Day 1 Outfit: BR skinny jeans, white Ann Taylor sleeveless top, BR Orange cropped sweater, Black Ugg boots. Next to me is my "closet" from the past 7 days.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Week 2, Day 7 - Sweater = Outwear
Friday, February 19, 2010
Week 2, Day 6 - Flight Attendant
Week 2, Day 6 Outfit: BR white button down (1 of the 7 that I own!), BR navy blue pin-stripped skirt, Aldo pointy-toed heeled boots.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Week 2, Day 5 - De-"feet"ed
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Week 2, Day 4 - little black dress
Day 4 Outfit: White House/Black Market black belted dress, Ugg boots (but originally pointed toe knee-high Aldo boots).
Okay, Day 4 of back-to-back client engagements and I am getting really tired! Decided to get a little racey today and wear a black dress with boots - given that I wanted to be comfortable and it's cold outside, so I needed to give my panty-hosed legs an extra layer of protection from the low temperatures. I have now replaced the boots with Uggs for my trip out to dinner with colleagues, but keeping the dress on...quite the fashion statement as you can see.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Week 2, Days 2 & 3 - "Business" as usual
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Day 7 & 8 - Valentine's Day Weekend
Friday, February 12, 2010
Day 6 - Office Attire
I spent all day today at a client site today in a suit. Pretty boring stuff...but only one shirt that I have to file away as untouchable until I exhaust my wardrobe. I'm skipping the picture today as I've already changed into my PJ's and ready to kick back and watch the Winter Olympics opening ceremony. Hmmm...one article of clothing I don't own...a figure skating leotard...thank goodness!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Day 5 - Back to "normal" clothes
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Day 4 - Another day at home
So we got pelted yesterday with the dreaded winter storm...but not enough to cancel school for my hubby, Mike (is department chair at Bowling Green State University). As it is another work from home day for me, I am once again in my pajamas (but a different pair from yesterday).
We had our neighbors over for dinner last night (thank you Cathy and Dave for braving the field of snow between our houses) and just when we were expecting them, the doorbell rang. Mike answered it and was handed a box from the delivery person that had the GAP written all over it. Mike's response was "have you already broken your fast, honey?" No, but remember those black tights I talked about in my first post?? Well, they've arrived...and I'm thinking that I should keep them because they were purchased before my challenge began. So there!
Given that we had company over, I did change out of my PJ's and donned a black Gap sweater dress. At the end of the night, took a look in the mirror, found it unflattering (probably because it got stretched in the process of me handwashing and line-drying it) and happily placed it in the "Donate" bin that I have hanging out by my closet. So, feeling kind of good about the fact that as I discover items of clothing that I no longer want, I am in turn recycling and doing something good for others (who knows though, the selfish side of me is thinking: I can take it into a clothing exchange and get cash for it!).
Tomorrow I'll be on my first business trip since my challenge began...so am thinking very strategically about what suit and top to wear...all you readers (okay, 4 of you really) who are dying of anticipation (yeah right, like you have nothing better to do with your time) will just have to wait until tomorrow!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Day 3 - SNOW DAY!
Well, my outfit yesterday was somewhat wasted as my trip to Chicago ended up getting cancelled and I spent all day working from home. So, to make things right, I am lounging in my PJ's today (except for cycle/yoga gear for a morning class)...I'll spare anyone reading this a picture of me in this attire! Tomorrow is also supposed to be fraught with snow, so I'm guessing these next couple days will be uninteresting from a "what should I wear today" perspective.
I posted on Facebook the fact that I am taking on this challenge and was very excited to see the responses I got from people. Some in outright disbelief, others indicating that they are rooting for me, and the rest making funny remarks about regressing back to days as a student (thank you Katie!).
To convince myself that I'm serious about this challenge, I removed my favorite clothing stores' links from my browser's favorites, am sticking my clothing store credit cards in a tupperware container and freezing them in water (see pictures below), and am shredding all coupons that I receive from these stores as they come in the mail. I would take myself off of their mailing lists, but fear that doing so will put me on some kind of shopping blacklist and result in excommunication from shopper's paradise! Visions of me hacking at a block of credit-card filled ice are already popping in my head...but on Day 3, I'm still going strong (notice that I put the cards in a small tupperware container)!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Day 2 - No Withdrawal Yet!
In order to make things a little easier for myself yesterday, I went to Target to buy some storage boxes and stackable hangers (veered as quickly away from the clothing section as possible) and spent a good 2 hours re-organizing my closet. While doing so, I discovered that I own 7 white button down shirts and 8 pairs of black business pants. Oi! So, just 24 hours into this challenge, I have learned my first lesson: Proper display of your clothing in a closet may lead to fewer repeat purchases!
This week will be an interesting first week of this challenge as I will be traveling to Chicago today, at a client site on Tuesday, going into the office on Wednesday, and then at another client site in Columbus on Thursday and Friday. So, in terms of thinking ahead and again trying to wear something different each day, I'll need to be strategic in what I put together so as to keep my options open for the weeks to follow (which will also be laden with client-facing days).
It's supposed to be really cold and snowy in Chicago today. Also, given that I'll be going through security and walking through the airport, I need to wear something warm and comfortable. Hence:
What I'm packing: For client visit tomorrow: Black Suit, colored button down shirt, sleeveless colorful top (not sure which I'll wear underneath), Cloud Nine West black heels. For day in the office Wednesday: Purple Banana Republic Sheath Dress, Black Ann Taylor Loft shrug, Black Aldo knee-high boots.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Shopaholic on a Fast - The Challenge Begins
- Jeans & Bottoms (pants, skirts)
- Underwear
- Socks
- Workout clothes
- Work suits
- Accessories & Jewelry
- Outerwear
Okay, so on this Superbowl Sunday, let the game begin!
Day 1 Outfit Details: Stripped Banana Republic Jeans, White Banana Republic Puffer Vest, Black Puffed Long Sleeve Tee, Tory Burch Black Flats