Week 16, Day 6: Green Ann Taylor Loft Cap-sleeved button down, Anthropologie trousers, originally rolled up for my pedicure this afternoon, but then realized that it was kind of fashionable with my shoes, Aldo espadrilles (yay, it's finally summer!)
Okay, so back to reality today...phooey! The flight back was pretty brutal...I'm guessing flights back from vacation feel a lot longer than the ones to your vacation spot because you lack the anticipation and excitement of being on vacation and are instead confronted with hours of dreadful realization that your vacation is over. Not even the large selection of free movies could ease the ride back...but regardless, we made it back, and pulled into our driveway around 7pm local time...not too shabby. Mike and I both vowed to stay up as late as we could to fight the jet lag, both popped a melatonin, and dozed off of to domesticated dreamland. I made it a point to get back into the swing of things by attending a 6AM cycle class - which I did (yay me!) and then came home to confront work. Luckily, I made it a point to sort through my emails last night (which also helped to keep me awake long enough). Speaking of emails, I am proud to say that I resisted checking them for nearly the entire trip. I did sneak a peek while Mike and I were waiting for our dinner reservation time to roll around on Wednesday evening (the day before we left). I was amazed at how few emails I had in my inbox (only 178!) and how few fires flared up this past week. Either I chose the perfect week to be gone or I'm really not that important! I'm hoping for the latter - yes, that's right, the latter...because that means I can take more vacations like this and the world will not end (btw, I know I'm not that important, but some clients just make you feel like a week vacation without you responding to your emails is a cardinal sin).
One thing I have learned about taking a week vacation with no access to email is, like shopping, after getting through the withdrawal for the first day or so, you really don't think about it again until you have to. I'm sure being in another country makes it a bit easier, but still, what a release from being email, cell phone, and computer free! Also, I'm am SO planning all of my vacations around a 3-day weekend...it was so nice having my first full day back being one that most other people were taking off. Email traffic was light, my phone was not ringing off the hook, and people generally just seemed happier today than they normally do. Yay, 3 day weekends...speaking of which, I should begin enjoying as I have now spent about 2 hours blogging about my vacation!
Off to bed...or, trying to not sleep for another hour or so...but sleep sounds so good right nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
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