Week 15, Day 2: Ditto

Week 15, Day 3: Work attire: Ann Taylor beige v-neck short-sleeved tee, Ann Taylor loft wide black belt, Ann Taylor patterned skirt

So, Sunday was a chill day after a pretty eventful Saturday...I went back to my favorite massage therapist, Adam, to get a rub down (hee, hee) in hopes that he could loosen up my...
quads, of course...what else did you think I'd say?
Monday was a work from home day and pretty uneventful...just trying to clear out my task list from work to ready myself for vacation. There is such a sense of satisfaction that you derive from seeing NO emails in your inbox (after sorting them into the appropriate folders, of course). Was emailing back and forth with a colleague who told me that I should let loose and spend a little on clothing while in Europe. I told her that I might try spending the $44 that I got back from taking in some clothes to a consignment shop...but I'm pretty dead set against buying any clothes. I'd rather spend the money on chocolate souvenirs to bring back home :) Oh, and awesome Belgian Beer...which brings me to a funny story another co-worker told me about being in Belgium...he said to watch out for the beer, because it tastes so good, and is so high in alcohol content, that a colleague of his during a team get together out there fell off his barstool, got up, and then puked all over a team of rugby players. Up stand the rugby players (all likely over 6 feet tall) and my colleague and his posse all cower waiting for the fight to ensue. Instead, the rugby players scream aloud "you puked on us...you Americans are so fun!" How's that for a "WTF" moment?
Yesterday was an office day - wanted to get in a little face time before being gone for 1.5 weeks. I also partook in Happy Hour with some colleagues. I was actually twiddling my thumbs at some point in the afternoon because I had done such a good job readying myself for a week vacation but ended up paying for it today as I was back to back in phone calls and "to do's." Luckily, I finished things up by 4pm and have agreed with my husband that my PDA and my computer are not coming with us to Europe. Though I kind of slacked in April, a week without email or my computer is going to be my "give something up for a week to do myself some good" challenge for May! I cannot remember the last time I was without email for a week...Maybe when I was in high school...before email was even a normally occurring event? Geez...I think this is going to be way harder than giving up clothes for a year...but I think I can do it!!!
I will, however, try to get access to a computer from time to time to blog...and I have to, have to have to try to resist checking the email! Wish me luck!
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