Week 25: Day 6: Red BR empire seam top, Old Navy capri jeans

Week 25, Day 7: Ann Taylor Loft denim-looking halter sundress

Week 26, Day 1: Anthropologie cap-sleeved empire waist patterned top (can you say, totally unflattering?), Forever 21 denim capris
Well, after Vegas and a work from home week, my life is finally approaching normalcy again...who would have thought that vacationing could take so much out of you?
After returning from our red-eye flight back from Vegas on Wednesday morning, I got through the workday as best I could, and then got an email from Mike titled "they close at 7pm" with a link to Petfinder.com in the body. So, I blew off my cycle/pilates class (was too tired anyway) and headed down to the Wood County Humane Society to pick out our newest family member. Anyone who loves pets and has a bleeding heart for anything furry, take cover, because what I am about to describe may send you rushing to your local shelter in an attempt to adopt as many furry creatures as you can fit in your car (or legally house). I entered the shelter and took a right to go into the "cat room" and was immediately overwhelmed with the number of felines inhabiting about a 20 x 10 foot space. There were cages filled with kittens, older cats perched on the window ledges, cats walking around, cats doing business, cats taking naps in kitty condos, and cats putting on their best show for a potential new owner. There were tabby cats, black cats, himilayan cats, earless cats, 3-legged cats, cats that had inner-ear imbalance and walked like they were drunk (that one was appropriately named Tipsy). Mike and I were committed to taking home a kitten (as I've never had the pleasure) and decided on a tiny black cat named "Ursa" who mistakenly was placed back in a cage where "certified" cats were ready to be taken home. Luckily, this little girl was only a day away from having her tests done, so we made a plan for Mike to return the next day to pick her up. We are "fostering" this kitten until she is large enough to fix (she's currently 1.6 lbs) and then we can decide if we want to keep her. IF???? There is no way in hell that I am returning this darling little cat. It's almost as if the cat gods knew that Mike and I were deprived of love and put all the lap-sitting behavior that we've so been longing for into this 1.6 lb. mini. We've decided to name her Pee Wee - as she is so unbelieveably small that no other name seems to suit her (and Squirt is already taken by our other cat). So, needless to say, since Thursday, my thoughts have been consumed with our new addition - not just because I love cats, but because she loves humans so much that she cries when she's not sitting in a lap or at least being held by someone.
Friday we began resuming normal "weekend" activities in Toledo by going to a wine tasting with our neighbors, Cathy and Dave, and then breaking in their new back deck by drinking really strong forms of alcohol - Slivovitz (a Slovenian liqeuer) and Calvados (some form of Apple Brandy).
Saturday we headed up to Detroit to have what has become a bi-monthly wine club meeting with my boss, Kim and her husband Harvey and Mike and Lyn Cummins. We hit up a casual small plates restaurant (which was phenomenal!) and then headed back to Mike's to chill. Mike convinced us to head down to his basement to watch an HBO concert that he recorded that had the most amazing line-up of performers - one that put Live Aid and Band Aid to shame! Sting, the Boss, Bono, Mick Jagger, the Black Eyed Peas, Stevie Wonder, Simon & Garfunkel, Billy Joel, Aretha Franklin, Jackson Brown, Metallica, and on and on! It was pretty awesome watching in Mike's surround sound ampitheatre throwing our arms up with the bobbing ass-rock maneuver. Wine also helped get us into the head-banging spirit!
Sunday, Mike and I went to an International Festival and a mosque that is down the street from us. It was our first time visiting the site and was a real treat...the food was amazing (and cheap!) and having a chance to learn more about the Muslim tradition was really enlightening. Our tour guide was a sweetheart of a man and clearly enjoyed educating otherwise ignorant Americans about the fact that the Islamic religion is not scary, nor hateful, nor anymore radical than any other religion. I'm sure if Buddhist zealots flew planes into the World Trade Center, we'd have similar perspectives on visiting monasteries...
On the clothing front, I am proud to announce that the drawer that holds my casual summer shirts is down to 3 items. I still have a few work clothes to churn through, but I do think that this challenge of seeing how long I can go without re-wearing something again will end in the next month. So, as much as I thought I could go a full year, turns out that that will likely not be the case!
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